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Американская военная машина. Глубинная политика, глобальная связь ЦРУ с наркотиками и путь в Афганистан - Peter Dale Scott

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Lansky Security File, 9, NARA #1993.08.13.17:42:12:560059. The CIA used the misspelling “Verona,” which occurred just once in the FBI source document, and ignored the correct spelling “Varona,” which was abundantly used as well. They also used “Cellino” (rather than “Cellini”) and “Lenzieri” (for Lanzieri) in related CIA documents. By this device, both the FBI and the CIA could avoid responding to document searches for the correct name. For example, in the 1940s the CIA told the French that they had no documents on the SS war criminal Klaus Barbie, whom they were harboring. The American documents referred to him systematically as “Barbier.”

103. “Moss, Edward K. #172 646,” CIA Memo of May 14, 1973, from Jerry G. Brown for Deputy Chief, Security Research Staff, NARA #1993.08.13,17:42:12:560059.

104. “Moss, Edward K. #172 646,” CIA Memo of April 19, 1967 [at the time of the I-G Report mentioning Moss], NARA #104-10122-10006; Inspector-General Report on CIA-Mafia Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro (henceforth I-G Report), NARA #104-10213-10101, 38. Cf. memo of November 7, 1962, in CIA’s Edward K. Moss folder, 26, NARA #1994.05.03.10:54:53:780005.

105. “Manuel Antonio Varona,” FBI Memorandum of January 16, 1961, to A. H. Belmont, 105-76826-20; NARA #124-90055-10139.

106. “Manuel Antonio Varona,” FBI Memorandum of January 16, 1961, to A. H. Belmont, 2, 105-76826-20; NARA #124-90055-10139. Cf. “Moss, Edward K. #172 646,” CIA Memo of May 14, 1973, in Meyer Lansky Security File, 9, NARA #1993.08.13.17:42:12:560059; CIA letter of December 16, 1960, to FBI, FBI file 105-76826-18; NARA #124-90055-10133.

107. CIA letter of December 16, 1960, to Director, FBI, FBI File 105-76826-18; NARA #124-90055-10133. Apparently, no copy of this letter has been released from CIA files.

108. “Manuel Antonio Varona,” FBI Memorandum of January 16, 1961, to A. H. Belmont, 2, 105-76826-20; NARA #124-90055-10139.

109. Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 145, cf. 238–40.

110. “Moss, Edward K. #172646,” CIA Memo of November 28, 1962, NARA #1994.05.03.10:54:53:780005.

111. I-G Report, 38.

112. “Manuel Antonio Varona,” FBI Memorandum of January 16, 1961, to A. H. Belmont, 2, 105-76826-20, NARA #124-90055-10139.

113. FBI Memorandum to Attorney General, January 23, 1961, NARA #124-90055-10140.

114. Summers, The Arrogance of Power, 194, citing I-G Report.

115. Don Bohning, The Castro Obsession: U.S. Covert Operations against Cuba (Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2005), 181.

116. Summers, The Arrogance of Power, 283 ($1 million); Robert Baer, Sleeping with the Devil (New York: Crown, 2003), 43 (briefcase); Ronald Kessler, The Richest Man in the World (New York: Warner Books, 1986), 170 (“several million”); Renata Adler, “Searching for the Real Nixon Scandal,” Atlantic, December 1976, 76–84 ($200 million). Khashoggi admitted publicly to a gift of $43,000 to the Nixon campaign in 1972.

117. Kessler, The Richest Man in the World, 170.

118. Kessler, The Richest Man in the World, 142, 181.

119. It has been alleged that at the Sands in 1960, the FBI saw the casino’s courtesy prostitutes “running in and out of” Senator Jack Kennedy’s suite, and a million dollars was allegedly given to Kennedy in a brown leather satchel by the hotel’s owners (John William Tuohy, “The Sands,” AmericanMafia, August 2001, http://www.american

120. Omar Garrison, Howard Hughes in Las Vegas (New York: Dell, 1970), 48–49, 56, 58; Peter Dale Scott, Crime and Cover-Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate Connection (Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1977), 29.

121. Kessler, The Richest Man in the World, 149–50.

122. Sally Denton and Roger Morris, The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and Its Hold on America, 1947–2000 (New York: Knopf, 2001), prologue. Sally Denton later enlarged on the details: “When it became clear 70 United States, American, banks were involved, had the complicity, knew about every single one of the wire-transfers and transactions—banks including Chemical Bank, Bank of New York, CitiBank, American Express— . . . President Clinton and Madeline Albright stepped in and intervened and stopped the entire investigation and closed all of the cases” (discussion at Taos Community Auditorium on October 12, 2002, http://www

123. Gigi Mahon, The Company That Bought the Boardwalk (New York: Random House, 1980), 136.

124. Kessler, The Richest Man in the World, 275–78. A friend of Khashoggi’s, Larry Kolb, reports that Khashoggi himself essentially corroborated the story that Khashoggi and John Kennedy had a friendship in the 1950s that “evolved primarily out of whoring together” (Larry J. Kolb, Overworld: The Life and Times of a Reluctant Spy [New York: Riverhead/Penguin, 2004], 236). The woman who destroyed the presidential aspirations of Senator Gary Hart in 1987 was one of Khashoggi’s many girls.

125. Kessler, The Richest Man in the World, 238, 240.

126. Prince Turki bin Faisal gave Georgetown University alumni a frank account of the Safari Club’s formation in response to post-Watergate restrictions: “In 1976, after the Watergate matters took place here, your intelligence community was literally tied up by Congress. It could not do anything. It could not send spies, it could not write reports, and it could not pay money. In order to compensate for that, a group of countries got together in the hope of fighting Communism and established what was called the Safari Club. The Safari Club included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran.”

127. Kolb, Overworld, 238, 242–43.

128. Denton and Morris, The Money and the Power, 72, citing laudatory article on Greenspun in the Jerusalem Post, July 1993.

129. Investigative reporter Jim Hougan reports the incredulity of congressional investigators that Lockheed was the only large corporation not to have made a contribution to Nixon’s 1972 election campaign (Hougan, Spooks, 457–58).

130. Drinkhall, “IRS vs. CIA.” Drinkhall also reported that “Helliwell reputedly was one of the paymasters for the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961,” a claim repeated in virtually every book dealing with Helliwell since that time (except my own). I have looked at dozens if not hundreds of CIA Bay of Pigs documents, many of them concerning financial payments to anti-Castro individuals and groups, and I have

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Американская военная машина. Глубинная политика, глобальная связь ЦРУ с наркотиками и путь в Афганистан отзывы

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